PRECOR TRM Treadmill
Walking or running on a treadmill is an excellent source of exercise that puts less stress on the body than walking or running on a flat surface outdoors. The insight driven design of the PRECOR TRM delivers optimal reliability, performance, and efficiency for operators, and unparalleled feel and comfort for exercisers.

PRECOR EFX Elliptical
Ellipticals offer the benefit of a low-impact workout while exercising both your upper and lower body. The PRECOR EFX with Converging CrossRamp combines reliability with a natural converging stride path to give you the perfect elliptical experience.
Your feet will never leave the pedals which reduces the impact on your joints and muscles. The innovative and durable design of the PRECOR AMT has an adaptive stride length to provide exercisers of all fitness levels with a wider range of motions during workouts.

PRECOR UBK Upright Bike
An upright bike gives you a more consistent workout when relating to outdoor riding. The PRECOR UBK upright bike features custom-designed handlebars with integrated touch heart rate for maximum comfort and efficient workout experience.
PRECOR RBK Recumbent Bike
Recumbent bikes offer great aerobic exercises that use some of the largest muscle groups, such as quadriceps, hamstrings, legs, and glutes. The PRECOR RBK recumbent bike features a P82 console and a step-through design to appeal to a wide range of exercisers of all ages.

Concept 2 Performance Rower
Regular workouts on a rower can help you burn calories, tone muscles, and give you increased energy. Designed to fit most users: 14-inch seat height, 500lb user capacity, adjustable footrests and ergonomic handle.
Air Assault Elite Air Bike
An air bike is the perfect tool for interval training like HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). Designed for strength, durability, and hardcore use, you will find yourself coming back day after day for more burn with these bikes.

Concept2 SkiErg
The Concept2 SkiErg makes the sport of Nordic skiing available to everyone. Long recognized as delivering one of the toughest workouts around, Nordic skiing develops both strength and endurance and exercises the legs as well as the arms and core.
StairMaster Gauntlet
Stairmaster Stepmill engages every major muscle in your lower body as many as 120-plus times/minute: glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves.The StairMaster Gauntlet 8 increases the challenge of your comfort level with varying levels of resistance difficulty with speeds from 24 to 162 steps per minute.

The SKILLRUN lets you train with a larger array of cadences and resistances than any treadmill. SkillRun Class UI, Bootcamp UI, Routines, Biofeedback, Sled and Parachute training, Running against resistance, TV, social media, Netflix, Internet browsing.
The SKILLMILL offers all the benefits of professional sports training.With its 1910 mm depth, 890 mm width and 1540 mm height, SKILLMILL offers a workout that can be set to 11 levels of magnetic resistance and unlimited speed.

With low-maintenance design and extreme durability, the PRECOR CLM climber uses the same low-friction, self-powered generator system as the Precor Elliptical Fitness Crosstrainers.
Roger Watson
Marketing & Building Operations Manager
Phone: 435-879-4825
Office: HPC #216